This article is from NUTRAingrediets.com I Europe.
Almonds demonstrate prebiotic potential
By Shane Starling
Almonds are known for their high vitamin E and mineral content and cholesterol-reducing and diabetes-combating potential but new research indicates they have a prebiotic effect.
Funded by the Almond Board of California (this suggests the research may be biased), the researchers found that almond powder significantly increased levels of certain gut flora. As a result prebiotic effects were increased. My question is why almond powder? Would not eating almonds have the same effect?
The study, published in the July edition of Applied and Environmental Microbiology, found the prebiotic effect did not occur when the fat content was removed from the almond preparation, indicating lipid concentration is key to activating the prebiotic reaction. Almonds, as we know, contain Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), which we know help beneficial bacteria adhere to the gut wall and help them colonise (90% of the fats in almonds are unsaturated)
"We investigated the potential prebiotic effect of almond seeds in vitro using mixed faecal bacterial cultures," the researchers wrote.
Digested almonds were then mixed with an in vitro batch system to mimic the bacterial fermentation in the large intestine. The populations of intestinal bacteria were then monitored.
"The results show a prebiotic effect of finely ground almonds (with lipid) but not with defatted almonds," Mandalari said. That’s why we need to eat foods that have not been tempered with!
For the finely ground almonds with lipids, the study recorded a significantly increased population for bifidobacteria and Eubacterium rectale, "resulting in a higher prebiotic index (4.43) compared with the commercial prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharides (4.08) at 24h incubation." This finding is of great importance as effects of the gut microbiota for human health are increasingly recognized.
No such effect was recorded for the lipid-free almonds.
"The increase in the numbers of Eubacterium rectale during fermentation of finely ground almonds correlated with increased butyrate production," (butyrate feeds colonocytes) the researchers wrote. "In conclusion, we have shown that addition of finely ground almonds altered the composition of gut bacteria stimulating the growth of bifidobacteria and Eubacterium rectale."
Other research has indicated lipid content of almonds is reduced if almonds are not processed by grinding as in this case, or via mastication. This supports the need for chewing the food properly!!!
The researchers noted the length of time the almond spends in the digestive system also affected the available quantity of lipids and proteins.
They called for further research into almond digestibility, with prebiotic effects tested on human subjects.
Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology
July 2008, published online ahead of print 23rd May 2008 doi:10.1128/AEM.00739-08
Investigation of the potential prebiotic properties of almond (Amygdalus communis L.) seeds.
Authors: G. Mandalari, C. Nueno-Palop, G. Bisignano, M. S.J. Wickham, and A. Narbad.
Recent research by Jenkins et al (2008) has shown that almonds reduced 24-hour insulin secretion and may in the longer term explain the association of nut consumption with reduced CHD risk. Almonds are also high in protein and fibre, which m ay explain the reduced insulin secretion. Other benefits of almonds are nutrient content such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, and other antioxidants.
Jenkins DJ, Kendall CW, Marchie A, Josse AR, Nguyen TH, Faulkner DA, Lapsley KG, Singer W. (2008) Effect of almonds on insulin secretion and insulin resistance in nondiabetic hyperlipidemic subjects: a randomized controlled crossover trial. Metabolism. Jul;57(7):882-887
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